How To Improve Google Ranking Without Being Penalized?
Top ranking of your website is an ultimate requirement of any website developer. According to a study conducted by Infront Webworks, the first page on Google receives 95 percent of web traffic with other pages receiving 5% of total traffic. There is no magic button to boost your website traffic but here, I am providing you with a step-to-step guide which covers all the points to achieve high ranking on Google. · A complete study of Google ranking algorithm is important: According to Google executives, there are approximately 600 changes to Google ranking algorithm as it keeps on changing, therefore Keep an eye on updates. The updates are in the form of Mobile-friendly update, Pigeon, Hummingbird, Penguin, Panda, Google EMDs(exact match domain names), Phantom. Moz’s Google Algorithm Change History , Google Webmaster Central and The Webmaster can also help you keep a track. · ...