7 Steps You Must Follow To Win At Local SEO


There are many trails, errors, and failings to achieve the top ranking of keywords and building backlinks. Many agencies implement varied kind of strategies to achieve the top keyword rankings.

With their vast experience and successful achievement, many strategies have been tested and proven to bring the better result to various location pages.

However, to have the better result at your local SEO strategies, you may need to use some of the tools. With these tools, you can find the right keywords, pages error test and monitor your results.

The SEO strategies you will need to:

·        Increase the website social media shares of your website to bring overall traffic.

·        Build high-quality backlinks

·        Allow business to rank organically for most of the competitive keywords

·        Make your website to generate more lead

·        Lower the bounce rate on your website homepage

·        Improve your conversion ratio

·        Find new and valuable keywords

So, let’s start the way you can create SEO optimized location based pages with the help of SEMrush.com:

1.      Choose a targeted keyword while adding a Geo-modifier and dropping it in SEMrush.com

After choosing the keyword you want to rank, just add a location next to the keyword and drop it in the tool “SEMrush’s keyword overview. Now, you will find the list of keywords that you can use on your local page.

Google simply localize the organic results on the broad search, so if you have a location with keywords, Google will prioritize showing your result on the similar web pages.

2.      Use free local SEO template to create the local pages for your business

In the template, you need to replace the word “debt relief”, with “debt settlement” and “debt consolidation”, with the keyword significant for your business.

So, for proper implementation of on-page SEO for a location-based page just be sure to:

·        Insert the keywords in the right side

·        Craft the useful meta title with description

·        Formulate the h1 and h2 including your keywords

·        Answer the questions concerning your products and services

·        Your pages are unique, interesting, and free of grammar mistakes

3.      Lower the bounce rate of your homepage while driving traffic towards each location pages

Your website home page should always direct the user to the specific pages of your websites that give solution for their problem related to your services.

However, if your business has multiple locations, your homepage should allow users to find the webpage which is directed towards their location.

So, you need to improve the navigation system to lower the bounce rate on your homepage.

4.      With your local based pages include Schema.org

If you have minimal coding experience, you will love this Schema.org whose implementation is easier than doing coding.

With its WordPress plug-in you can have the positive attributes but sometimes may cause trouble. So, use Schems.org to streamline the entire process of implementing and creating Schema.org for your local web pages.

You need not pay anything to use this tool so you can use it freely to have the better result.

5.      Include local colleges to link to your site

You may offer an annual scholarship through your business, so scholarship includes the benefits like:

·        Your business donate money to the students which help them to pursue their study dream

·        Local colleges will share scholarship through their website which will link back to your website. This will help in giving backlinks from college which have high domain authority.

·        Students and other people will share and like your website on every social media website which will help to bring entirely a new traffic towards your website.

·        Scholarship attract media that potentially give your business a new exposure

·        The money you pay for the scholarship is free of tax.

6.      Have maximum social media exposure

As you publish the article, blog, infographic, or video, the applicant, then start sharing those pages across social media in an effort to get likes and reviews.

Indirectly, this helps your business to have the huge traffic, exposure, social media shares, and links. The applicant becomes more active when you announce for the cash prize.

7.      Track the result with SEMrush and know your ranking

You can use the SEMrush project tool to have the fair result with no cheating, as you will beware of the traffic movements, social media activity, and backlinks.

So, following these above methods, you can easily win at local SEO and could expand your business effortlessly in your desired direction.


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