SEO 2018: Some Essential Rules To Help You Out In Dominating The Search Results


Years are flying like a fast-paced eagle and we are all set to enter 2018 in a jiffy. Since the advent of SEO, different rules are changing in SEO but the fundamentals are quite the same. There is no shortcut to trick SEO and get better rankings as it has a foolproof set of norms and some dark secrets which are yet not revealed. For you, to up your game in 2018, you will need to put in the hard work day in day out.

So, how does SEO work? What are the essential rules which help you dominate the search result? For your convenience, here are the top five rules which will help gain confidence and understand SEO in a deeper and efficient manner.

1.       Keep a keen eye on Page Speed

The faster will be your page speed, the happier will be the customers who will be visiting your page. None of the visitors want a sluggish website which takes immense time for loading every single page. For instance, you can use Google Page Insights for determining the different areas which require improvement.

Areas to work on improving the page speed:

§  Reduce the Server response time

§  Eliminate JavaScript and render-blocking CSS

§  Implement browser cache for an enhancement in Speed

§  Enable GZip Compressions

2.       Write Contents which add a certain value to your website

Creating great and enchanting contents is the key to a successful website. However, don’t look to take any shortcuts for the same as duplicity is taken strictly when it comes to content writing and its management. For those who are looking for a mass of traffic on their content, writing effective content is the only key.

Focus on the following areas of Content Writing:

§  Write at least 250 words per article

§  Create internal as well as external links on your webpage

§  Write your article constituting proper facts and statistics

§  Utilize healthy keywords in your content as much as possible

3.       Ensure Responsive behavior of your website

Mobile Searches are leaving Desktop systems far behind in the race. As of now, the majority of the users are using mobile phones as their default option for accessing any site. Thus, websites which can accommodate efficiently on any mobile phone should be the priority. It is essential to ensure that the sites are optimized for mobile devices and there is surety that it will run on any mobile device regardless of their brand model.

4.       Focus on the User Experience 

Creating a better user experience will automatically a great amount of traffic on your website. Make sure it is easy to navigate on your site and all functions are located in the right place.

Here are a few suggestions:

§  Make a use of breadcrumbs in your navigation

§  Use a fast site search

§  Keep your website simple and elegant

§  Make the Main-menu easy for usage

§  Avoid the use of much pop-ups

5.       Supplement Videos Photos and Audios on your website

Google is much concerned about the number of time users spend on your website. Including Audios, videos and images will help increase your average pay time, session times and will automatically tempt the visitors to stay for a longer period. All this will make your site go about a leap higher in the rankings for sure.

For those who are new to website world and want to know the SEO top 5 rules, invest in the above ones and up your game to bloom in this tough website world in 2018.

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Content is originally posted at


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